Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The brave one.

vyc: Kaylen's growing up fast. Too fast, honestly.

I find myself spoiling her more and more as each day passes. I guess I want her to remain a baby forever. She's at such a cute age. Just today we brought her to the doc's for one of her jabs and boy has she grown. Even the doc's surprised with her weigh gain and height. Not that she's too "chubby". She's doing good, a little bit on the "cuter" side but adequate to her height of 64cm, which is, slightly longer than babies her age. All I can say is that she took her jab better than expected, even better than the last time a month ago and it just shows how much she has grown. She's so much braver this time round. And yes, one might say, how would you know, babies are still babies, they just cry when they feel pain, but believe me a mother knows :)

I found myself spoiling her today by carrying her in my arms for hours just so she'll sleep better and allowing her to lay on my chest. Altho, apparently, it's a no-no cos it'll end up being a habit = bad habit = hard to break = babyK will not sleep in her own cot for long by herself = a more "manja-ed" baby = wants to be carried all the time...and the list goes on but, somehow I feel like I should reward her for being so brave today, or, maybe, it's just me wanting her to be close to me. To listen to her tiny heart beating against mine, her soft sighs, the peacefulness. She brings me peace, so maybe I'm actually spoiling myself :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mummy's lastest project.

Mummy ain't no Martha Steward but she's a total wanna-be :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

I turned 3months old yesterday!

Mummy's so impressed with my grabbing skills >.<