Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year New Home.

Grandpa & Grandma just got back from Singapore with lots of gifts for me yesterday. I've missed them this past 3nights. It wasn't much fun in the mornings without them entertaining me. The house seems so quiet without my beloved Grandpa & Grandma, so I'll glad that they're back!

That said, I'm now a proud owner of a bright yellow Bumbo sitter & two travel cots. Yes! TWO! I'm so spoilt & I know it :p

I've been particularly moody today. I wonder why. Hopefully, it'll all improve when I go for my first REAL family dinner to celebrate the new year with Grandpa, Grandma & UncleV before we head back to the Lees. We'll be having Italiano. Weeeeee...!!

New Year in a new home :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm gonna have legs like Jessica Michibata.

Daddy & Mummy brought me to the medical centre again today for my second dose of vaccine. I tried to be brave but OUCH! did that jab hurt! It was over within a few seconds and everything went well, Mummy was on hand to sooth my loud cries. She said she felt the pain too when they gave me the jab. I've a slight temperature now but everyone from GrandMa to GrandPa has been by my side, spoiling me with hugs & kisses. I love the attention! :D

That said, I made Mummy & Daddy proud when they found out that I now weigh in at 4.75kgs, which is 2kgs heavier than I initially weighed and I'm now 57cm tall, which means I grew 7cm in this 1.5months. A bit taller than the average baby (probably from all those pictures of Jessica Michibata Mummy was looking at while she was pregnant with me. The lady has sure got a hot pair of legs). And, of course, Mummy's formula's still the best :))

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just the three of us.

D is for Daddy again.

D is definitely for MY Daddy. Daddy was with us last night. He stayed over to help Mummy out as she was exhausted from the lack of sleep the whole day yesterday (yes! not even a 10min nap). He helped feed me & changed me. Although he's not as experienced as Mummy, at least he tried his best while I tried to be on my best behaviour, which by the way, was a result of a delayed nappy change, an extra diaper wasted, and an extra change of sleepsuit. So, Mummy ended up coming to my rescue! That said we are both still happy that Daddy stuck around and helped. Love u!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 weeks & counting.

I'm 5 weeks old today, & I've been misbehaving quite a bit these few days. Mummy have been trying to "get along with the programme". We are still living with Grandpa & Grandma's at Klebang as Mummy prepares herself &, is still at practicing looking after me at night. It has been 3 nights now since the confinement aunty went home & Mummy's still trying bravely to meet my demands. And, I must admit, I'm a pretty demanding baby.

I can't explain it. I've been fidgeting all day since yesterday, day & night. I can't seem to sleep longer than a few minutes before feeling uncomfortable. Mummy has been burping, feeding & changing me endlessly while GrandMa & Kakak help out during the day. I hope my bowel movement will get better soon.

During Mummy's confinement, we had a restricted diet. I'm now more than a month old & Mummy's slowly introducing me to a new & improved diet through her "formula". So far, I've tasted nasi bryani & spaghetti. Quite exciting but my body's still making changes to the new diet which could explain my increased pooing. Tehehe... That said, we are both still learning & I'm happy to share this experience with Mummy.

Oh, & Mummy did some shopping yesterday, she bought me not one but TWO super cute boots from Mia Joie. Can't wait till I start walking the walk :)

Pic courtesy of Mia Joie

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm a month old now!!

YAY! I'm finally a month old now. I can't believe how time flies. We had a party with all the trimmings yesterday. Mummy was a bit upset that the pom-poms, which was part of the decor didn't arrive in time from the States but, I still think everything looked lovely Mummy.

Many thanks to all that made the evening an even better affair.

It was so unfortunate that all 3 of Mummy's bridesmaids (AhYiVan, AhYiFaye & AhYiShaz) couldn't make it but don't worry, I'm sure we'll have another parteeee that we could celebrate together next year :)

To "Uncle" Nelson, thank you so much for being our special delivery boy. We love the cupcakes!!
To "Uncle" KK, we were so happy to see you, thank you so much for rushing all the way after work & also not forgetting your very special messages to me!!

Mummy & Daddy's wedding photographer took pictures for us last night, I will have some pics uploaded once we get 'em next week.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Mummy's not a happy bunny.

TSK TSK TSK... Daddy caught on camera!!

Mummy saw not one but two pictures of Daddy evidently smoking his brains out & Mummy ain't happy about it...Well, you see, Daddy made a promise to US that he'll stop once I'm born. And so, he was given a time line of 9months to stop (which I think is fair) cause Mummy was being realistic and knew he couldn't make it going "cold turkey" & all...

To be honest Daddy, I'm upset & disappointed that you couldn't stop either :((

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm 3weeks old today.

vyctorya: Time flies when you have a baby. Eat, burp, sleep, cry, poop. And, the cycle goes on and on. Exhaustion is underrated but, the cliché's true when they say, when your little one arrives, you can't imagine life without them. The love you have for her is indescribable. You have no idea where so much love came from. That's faith.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mummy needs a break too.

Daddy had an interesting conversation with me last evening...

He said, "Kaylen, you know, when you grow up you should be a good girl and not buy so many bags like your Mummy. And, if you do, please ask Mummy to buy them for you"

Mummy then replied, "Sure, Mummy will buy you the bags and Daddy will get you the car of your dreams" *cheeky grin*

Daddy gave me a kiss and left last night. He had to catch a flight to Hong Kong early this morning to attend a good friend's wedding. I saw that look on Mummy's face when he left. She wished she could go as well. I was missing Daddy so much I refused to sleep for at least 3hours while Mummy patiently rocked me in her arms.

Today, I feel kinda bad after seeing how tired she looked as she retired. However, I did make up for the hours by sleeping a little bit longer through the night. Mummy was looking better after her nap. She forgot about how frustrated she felt last night after I flashed my gazillion dollar smile this morning.

Daddy texted us this morning to find out how we were doing and said that he wasn't having much fun without us there and that he misses us. He promised to me bring us there for a expensive short trip next year. Does that mean I get to go on my first Disneyland trip by the time I'm one? But, Mummy said we were going to Aunt V's convocation end of next year too. Wow!! Two trips? I know I'm so spoilt. Tehehe...

Wonder what gifts Daddy's gonna bring us when he gets home this weekend :))

Sunday, November 29, 2009

D is also for Daddy.

Daddy has been taking on more responsibility these days. Mummy & Daddy had a talk about bringing me back home to Bkt. Baru after Mummy's confinement period and how Daddy should take up some of the weigh on looking after me as it's rather taxing to be a SuperMom. Daddy spent the night last night. He began his "training" late last night after 12midnight as I didn't feel like sleeping so he rocked me for at least half an hour while Mummy took a little cat nap. They haven't fully grasp the ins and outs of looking after me just yet, but in time, I'm sure they'll get the hang of things *smileys*

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The ups & downs.

I've had so many visitors this pass few days. Nan-na have been cooking up a storm, throwing parties in my honour since I turned 12days old last Sunday. I took a road trip last weekend back to Daddy's (our soon to be home after Mummy's confinement period) place for my 12th day prayers. Nai-nai, Uncle Z, Aunt C was there to welcome me home. Daddy & Mummy had lunch there. We hung out for a few hours. I was looked after for an hour or two while Mummy took her power nap.

I must admit that I have been misbehaving quite a bit during the nights and have interrupted Mummy's sleeping pattern. Mummy had an emotional breakdown a few days back which lead to her having to take a break from me for a night. She was just completely overwhelmed & wiped out after feeding me on two hour intervals for 2days straight (not to mention nights). Daddy wasn't being too support I must say which also lead to Mummy's emotional breakdown. I'm so sorry Mummy, but that said, that's because I miss your hugs during the night and was hungry most of the time.

I have been growing well and have finally beaten the J for jaundice. I feel like a big girl now ^-^

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tweet that!

Mummy's rather tired these few days while we are trying to establish a full lactation routine.
Do catch her at her twitter account.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm coming home!!

Doc said I'm looking great. Daddy's picking me up soon. Can't wait to go home. v(>.<)v

D is for drama queen.

I had a checkup with doc this morning. She said that the reports had shown that my jaundice level have dropped too drastically. "Normal" babies have levels that drop from an average 3-4. Mine went down 8 levels. But, like I said, I ain't no "normal" baby :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm not too well today, but I'll be okay.

Daddy brought me to the hospital this morning for my check-up. Mummy's heartbroken when she heard that I have to be admitted into the hospital today. I've the normal case of jaundice. Although, I feel well. I was slightly on the smaller side compared to the "regular" babies (cos I'm special *winks*). Therefore, doc suggested that I be put under observation for a day or two. I'll be missing my Mummy & Daddy but I know they'll come visit me. Lovesss...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm finally here.

Mummy and I are doing well. I arrived late last night weighing in at 2.75kg. Daddy brought me from the operating theater to be weighed in. On the way there, I was welcomed by my grandpas, grandmas, aunties & mummy's and daddy's dearest friends. The room was filled with so much love & everyone adored my pair of dimples. I felt like a celebrity with all the flashes from cameras to videocams.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I might consider making my grand entrance today...Mummy's panicky on the inside but trying to keep "the" calm so that Daddy doesn't freak out & "kancheong" for dear life...That said, he looks like he's putting up a brave face...


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kaylen Allegra Lee

Hi there! My name's Kaylen Allegra Lee. Currently, I'm still very comfortable in mummy & am yet to make my appearance a suprise. Do tune in soon...

Lovesss xoxo